Moriyama & Teshima Architects

Quick Tips - RSI Risk Factor Checklist:

You are at risk if you have a combination of the following risk factors;
+ use a computer more than 2 to 4 hours per day
+ have a job that requires constant computer input
+ you do not take frequent breaks
+ are loose-jointed
+ have poor posture
+ have poor technique
+ don't exercise vigorously and regularly
+ work under pressure
+ weigh more than you should

General Rules for Safe Computer Use:
+ maintain neutral wrist position
+ never rest wrists or forearms on the desk or on a wrist rest while working
+ use the whole arm to move the hand
+ keep fingers curved
+ use strong fingers (index and middle)
+ use a light touch, a loose grip
+ work at a comfortable pace
+ take frequent breaks
+ stretch frequently

Setting Up The Workstation:

Chair - Your back should against the backrest and your feet firmly planted on the floor. Adjust the height correctly. Arm rests should be used for resting only, not for support while working.

Desk - Often desks are too high for proper keyboard use. Your forearm should be parallel to the floor while you are working. A high desk will force you to hunch your shoulders.

Monitor - Must be directly in front of you. Your eyes should be level with the top of the screen. Angle the monitor as if you are reading a book. If you have glare on the screen make adjustments to the space or find a better monitor location.

Ergonomic Keyboards and Mice - In general, none of them are much better than regular equipment used properly. We have found here that the tablet with stylus and the three-button scroll wheel are superior to a standard Apple mouse.

Become A Computer Athlete:

What does this mean? Prepare and properly condition your body for the task at hand. As in any sport you must learn the proper techniques and train in order to succeed and prevent injury. Preparing to work at the computer should be part of an overall fitness plan.

Emil Pascarelli, MD and Deborah Quilter

: Creating A Safer Workspace : Quick Tips : Workspace Reconfiguration :